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      Dr. Anton Gerasimov

      Dr. Anton Gerasimov is a distinguished Specialist Implantologist with over 19 years of combined experience in Russia and the UAE. He is member of the Board of Directors of the International Board of Oral Implantology in Florida, USA.

      Throughout his career, Dr. Anton has placed over 10,000 dental implants with over 99.5% success rate. He is an expert in bone grafting, sinus augmentations, and complications management and re-treatment in oral surgery and implantology.

      His academic journey began at Pavlov University in Russia where he graduated with honors in 2004. Subsequently, he pursued a year-long internship at his university’s Maxillofacial Department, followed by a Master’s in Oral Surgery in 2007 and a PhD in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery in 2010.

      He completed his Master's in Healthcare Management at the President's Program State University, Russia in 2011, followed by an international internship in Healthcare Management in the Netherlands.

      In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Anton also served as Assistant Professor at Pavlov University’s Postgraduate Oral & Maxillofacial Master’s Program from 2011 to 2022.

      He speaks Russian and English.

      Dr. Anton Gerasimov practices in:

      Ramadan Offer
      at Harmony Medical Group Dubai

      35% off
      Dental Implants
      & Crowns