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      Soft Tissue Graft

      Healthy gums.
      Healthy smile.

      Losing gum tissue around your teeth can be a concern for both aesthetics and your oral health. At Harmony, we understand the importance of maintaining a healthy smile and offer soft tissue grafting procedures to address receding gums and promote optimal oral health.

      What is Soft Tissue Graft Surgery?

      Soft tissue graft surgery is a dental procedure that involves transplanting healthy gum tissue to an area where it's lost or deficient. It may be recommended for patients experiencing gum recession, exposed tooth roots, or those looking to create a stronger foundation for dental implants. This procedure is commonly performed by periodontists who are specialists in surgical and cosmetic gum disease treatments.

      Soft tissue grafts can be used to:

      Cover exposed tooth roots

      Exposed roots are more susceptible to decay and sensitivity. Grafting can protect them and improve aesthetics.

      Thicken or rebuild receding gums

      This provides better support for teeth and prevents further recession.

      Enhance the appearance of your smile

      Grafts can restore a healthy gum line for a more natural-looking smile.

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      Soft Tissue Graft Procedure

      at Harmony Medical Center

      The specific procedure will vary depending on your needs, but it generally involves:


      Your dentist or periodontist will assess your oral health and discuss if a soft tissue graft is right for you.

      Graft Harvesting & Placement

      The procedure will be done with local anesthesia or other sedation techniques for your comfort. The tissue is typically taken from the roof of your mouth (palate). The harvested tissue is carefully placed on the area requiring correction. The periodontist will stitch the tissue in place.


      You can expect some swelling and discomfort following surgery. You will be provided with specific recovery instructions to ensure optimum healing.

      Our Periodontists

      Dr. Mohammad Al Kowatly

      Specialist Periodontist and Implantologist

      Dr. Samer Chakhachirou

      Specialist Periodontist and Implantologist

      Dr. Roula Kilani

      General Dentist
      MSc Periodontology

      Soft Tissue Graft FAQs

      The duration of the procedure varies depending on the extent of the grafting. It can typically take from 30 minutes to several hours.

      Following your surgery, you will be advised to avoid chewing on hard or crunchy foods that can put pressure on the grafted area, hot food and drinks that can irritate the surgical site, and spicy foods that can cause discomfort and inflammation. You will be detailed instructions for faster and more comfortable healing.

      Recovery time can vary, but you can generally expect some swelling and discomfort for the first few days. Your periodontist will provide specific aftercare instructions to promote healing.

      Your periodontist will use local anesthesia to ensure you are comfortable during the procedure. There may be some discomfort after surgery, but pain medications can help manage it.

      The goal of soft tissue grafting is to restore a natural-looking gum line. With proper care and healing, the grafted tissue will blend seamlessly with your existing gums.

      We have Specialists Periodontists across all our Dubai and Abu Dhabi branches. To book your appointment, please call 04 395 5113 (Dubai) or 800 333 444 (Abu Dhabi). We are open all days of the week and are ready to serve you.

      Our Smile Makers