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      Space Maintainers

      Grow your child's teeth in their correct position.

      There are times when a child prematurely loses a primary tooth due to cavities or injuries. When this happens, the gap left by the missing tooth may cause the adjacent teeth to shift into the empty space, leading to alignment problems.

      Space maintainers holds this space inside your child’s mouth for the permanent tooth to grow in its correct position, preventing more complex orthodontic treatment in the future. If your child has lost his or her tooth prematurely, schedule an appointment with your child’s pediatric dentist.

      Why is maintaining space vital to your child’s oral health?

      Our Specialist Orthodontists

      Space Maintainers FAQs

      Children may need space maintainers if they lose a baby tooth prematurely due to decay, injury, or other reasons. When a baby tooth is missing, surrounding teeth can shift and crowd the space meant for the permanent tooth to erupt. Space maintainers prevent this from happening, ensuring proper alignment and eruption of the permanent teeth.

      There are two main types of veneers: porcelain and composite.

      The duration of space maintainer use varies depending on the individual child and the reason for needing it. It can range from a few months to several years. Your child's pediatric dentist will advise you on the appropriate wearing time.

      Brush and floss your child’s space maintainer daily with toothpaste and water. Store it in a safe container when not in use.

      For a fixed space maintainer, make sure you brush and floss your child’s teeth daily and schedule his or her regular dental checkups to ensure their space maintainer is functioning properly.