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      Enjoy your new smile for a lifetime.

      Our teeth continue to change their position throughout our lifetime. This is a naturally occurring phenomenon, and this is why it is crucial to wear your retainers after your orthodontic treatment. Your retainers will help keep your new smile in place and prevent your teeth from relapsing or drifting back into their original position.

      The importance of wearing retainers

      Retainers are custom-made appliances that are designed to keep your straight smile in place for a lifetime. We have different types of retainers, including Essix, Hawley, and fixed lingual retainers.

      Wearing your retainers is as important as the treatment itself. Once your treatment is complete, your orthodontist will recommend the best type for you and give you instructions on how to wear or clean them.

      Type of retainers we provide

      Essix retainers
      Essix Retainers
      Hawley retainers
      Hawley Retainers
      Fixed lingual retainers
      Fixed Lingual Retainers

      Our Specialist Orthodontists

      Teeth Retainers FAQs

      Your teeth continue to move even after they are straightened with braces or Invisalign. Wearing retainers as prescribed by your orthodontist will maintain your beautiful new smile by keeping your teeth in their corrected positions.

      After your orthodontic treatment, wearing retainers is essential for a lifetime, although the amount of wear required may decrease as time passes. Your orthodontist will provide you with specific guidance based on the stability of your teeth alignment.

      If you don't wear your retainers as instructed by your orthodontist, your teeth may start to drift back to their original positions.

      Clean your removable retainers daily with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste. Your orthodontist may also recommend with a retainer-cleaning solution for a deep clean. Do not use harsh chemicals such as products with alcohol or bleach. Store your retainers in a hard case when not in use to prevent loss or damage.

      We recommend taking out your removable retainers while eating to prevent potential damage.