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      Tooth Extraction

      Comfortable and efficient procedure.

      Tooth extraction, also known as tooth pulling or tooth removal, is a dental procedure that involves removing a tooth from its socket. It may be necessary for various reasons, including severe decay that cannot be saved with root canal therapy, impacted teeth, gum disease, or to prepare for orthodontic treatment.

      At Harmony, we understand that the decision to extract a tooth can be stressful. Equipped with modern pain management techniques, our dentists and oral surgeons are committed to providing a comfortable and efficient procedure, ensuring minimal discomfort and a smooth recovery.

      Why Might a Tooth Need to be Extracted?

      Tooth extraction may be necessary for several reasons:

      Severe Tooth Decay

      When decay progresses to the inner chamber of the tooth (pulp) and cannot be treated with a root canal, extraction may be required.

      Advanced Gum Disease

      Periodontitis, a severe form of gum disease, can damage the supporting bone around the tooth, making it loose and potentially requiring extraction.

      Fractured Tooth

      A deep crack in a tooth may be irreparable and require extraction.

      Impacted Wisdom Teeth

      Wisdom teeth often become impacted, growing at an angle or being partially or fully covered by other teeth. This can lead to pain, infection, or damage to adjacent teeth.

      Orthodontic Treatment

      In some cases, extracting a tooth can create space for orthodontic treatment (braces) to properly align the remaining teeth.

      Types of Dental Extraction

      There are two main types of tooth extraction: simple and surgical. Simple extractions are typically used for visible teeth that are easily accessible. Surgical extractions are required for impacted or deeply embedded teeth, which may involve making an incision in the gum tissue and possibly removing some bone to access the tooth. The choice of extraction method depends on the specific circumstances of the case.

      Tooth Extraction Process at Harmony


      During your consultation, your dentist will discuss your concerns and thoroughly examine the tooth in question. X-rays might be needed for a complete diagnosis. They will discuss the treatment options available to you.


      Depending on the situation, local anesthesia will be used to numb the area around the tooth. In some cases, general anesthesia might be chosen for patients who experience anxiety or have a complex extraction.

      Tooth Extraction

      Your dentist or oral surgeon will gently remove the tooth. Modern techniques are used to minimize tissue damage and promote faster healing.

      Post-Operative Care

      We will share detailed instructions on caring for the extraction site after surgery. These will include measures to control bleeding, manage pain, and promote healing.

      Our Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons

      Our Smile Makers