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      Same Day Dental Implants

      Get your smile back in one day.

      Traditional dental implant procedures, while effective, can leave you waiting months for a complete smile. At Harmony, our same day dental implant technology allows you to achieve a beautiful and fully functional smile in a single visit.

      Unparalleled Comfort & Efficiency

      We understand the importance of comfort and efficiency, especially when it comes to dental procedures. Our same day dental implant process allows you to undergo the entire procedure, from implant placement to temporary crown installation, in a single visit. Imagine leaving our clinic with a restored smile on the very same day.

      Unwavering Quality & Expertise

      At Harmony, we leverage the latest advancements in dental technology, including state-of-the-art equipment and highly trained Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons and Specialist Implantologists. Our same day dental implants and crowns are crafted from premium materials, ensuring exceptional durability and a natural-looking smile that complements your unique features.

      Benefits of
      Same Day Dental Implants

      at Harmony Medical Center

      Same Day Dental Implants FAQs

      Same day dental implants are a revolutionary technique that allows for the placement of dental implants and temporary crowns in just one visit. This eliminates the need for multiple appointments and months of waiting for a complete smile restoration.

      Several factors determine if you’re a good candidate for same day implants. These include good jawbone health, sufficient bone density, and healthy gums. During a consultation, your oral surgeon will assess your individual situation and determine if same day implants are the right option for you.

      The procedure typically involves:

      1. Consultation & Planning: Discussing your needs and goals with the dentist.
      2. Implant Placement: Using advanced technology for precise placement of the implant(s).
      3. Temporary Crown Installation: Attaching a temporary crown to the implant to restore function and aesthetics.

      While you can expect some minor discomfort, your oral surgeon will prescribe medication to manage any pain. You will receive specific instructions on caring for your new implants and temporary crowns. We will see you during your follow-up appointments to monitor healing and progression. Once you’ve healed, you will receive your permanent restorations.

      With good oral hygiene, proper maintenance, and regular dental check-ups, your dental implants can last for decades.

      Yes. At Harmony, our oral surgeons are experts in pain management. Depending on your needs and preferences, various sedation or anesthesia options may be available to ensure a comfortable and pain-free experience.

      The cost of same day implants can vary depending on your specific needs and the complexity of the procedure. However, the convenience of a single-day procedure may offset the potential cost difference for some patients.

      Our Specialist Implantologists