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      Root Canal Retreatment

      Address a failed root canal treatment.

      A root canal is a dental procedure that removes infected pulp (the soft tissue inside your tooth) and saves the tooth. However, in some cases, a root canal may not completely heal or become re-infected. This is where root canal retreatment comes in.

      Root canal retreatment is a specialized procedure performed by a Specialist Endodontist to address a failed root canal. It essentially involves reopening the tooth, removing any new infection or persistent material, cleaning and disinfecting the canals, and resealing the tooth.

      Signs that you may need root canal retreatment includes:
      • persistent pain or tenderness in the tooth or surrounding area
      • new or worsening swelling around the tooth
      • cracked tooth
      • drainiage from the tooth
      • sensitivity to hot or cold

      Merry and Bright

      Transform Your Smile with Veneers

      40% Off
      High-quality Veneers

      (regular value AED 4,200)

      Offer starts at
      AED 2,500 per tooth

      Benefits of Root Canal Retreatment

      at Harmony Medical Center

      Our Specialist Endodontists are experts in the diagnosis and retreatment of failed or re-infected root canal.
      We use state-of-the-art dental microscopes to provide patients with accurate treatments and successful outcomes.
      Root canal retreatment allows you to keep your natural tooth.
      Natural teeth help maintain facial structure and prevent bone loss in the jaw.
      Keeping your natural tooth ensures optimal chewing function.

      Root Canal Retreatment FAQs

      There are two main reasons why you might need a retreatment:

      You might experience some mild discomfort or soreness after the procedure. Your endodontist will prescribe medication to manage any pain and instruct you on proper care for the treated tooth.

      At Harmony Medical Center, we have Specialist Endodontists across all our branches in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Our root canal specialists have undergone a minimum of 3 additional years of postgraduate education and training dedicated to root canal therapy, surgery, and retreatment.

      Our Smile Makers