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      Dr. Abdelrahman Sulaiman

      Dr. Abdelrahman Sulaiman is a general dental practitioner with a particular interest in pediatric dentistry.

      He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Dental Medicine from the University of Sharjah, UAE in 2018. He is highly trained in nitrous oxide sedation (laughing gas) in children.

      Dr. Abdelrahman focuses on treating children and adolescents, providing restorative dental care such as fillings and crowns, pulp therapy, and preventive treatments such as fissure sealants and fluoride application.

      He goes the extra mile by educating young patients and parents on maintaining good oral hygiene and forming healthy dental habits. His dedication ensures that every young patient is equipped with the knowledge and tools for a lifetime of excellent oral health.

      He speaks Arabic and English.

      Dr. Abdelrahman Sulaiman practices in: