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      Dr. Asma Guidoum

      Dr. Asma Guidoum is a well experienced GP dentist and Specialist Endodontist with years of experience in the UAE.

      She earned her DDS from Ajman University of Science & Technology in 2008, followed by a master’s degree in Endodontics from Jordan University of Science & Technology in 2012.

      She is highly proficient in root canal therapy and retreatment, post removals, and bypassing fractured instruments. For children, she performs pulpotomies and pulpectomies.

      In addition to endodontics, Dr. Asma offers a wide range of general and restorative dental services, catering to patients of all ages. Her pediatric treatments include sealants, fillings, stainless steel crowns, space maintainers, and extractions. For adults, she provides fillings, crowns, bridges, inlays/onlays, teeth whitening, scale and polish, and extractions.

      Her expertise ensures that her patients receive comprehensive and tailored dental care.

      She speaks Arabic, English, and French.

      Dr. Asma Guidoum practices in: