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      Dr. Bader Al-Deen Al-Lahham

      Dr. Bader Al-Deen Al-Lahham is an experienced Specialist Prosthodontist with many years of experience in Syria, Lebanon, and the UAE.

      He graduated from Kalamoon University School of Dental Medicine, Syria in 2011, then completed the Advanced General Dentistry Training Program at Damascus University in 2012. In 2017, he successfully gained his Master’s in Prosthodontics from Beirut Arab University.

      Dr. Bader is trained in the diagnosis, treatment, and restoration of the oral function particularly for those with missing or deficient teeth. He performs Digital Smile Design, full mouth rehabilitation using fixed and removable prostheses, and smile makeovers.

      He speaks Arabic and English.

      Dr. Bader Al-Deen Al-Lahham practices in: