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      Dr. Ghazwan Adnan Safar Mardini

      Dr. Ghazwan Adnan Safar Mardini is a Jordanian Board-certified Specialist Prosthodontist with over 10 years of experience in Jordan, KSA, and the UAE.

      He received his degree from Damascus University, Syria in 2012, followed by a Master’s in Fixed & Removable Prosthodontics from the University of Jordan in 2016.

      As a prosthodontist, Dr. Ghazwan is an expert in the aesthetic restoration and replacement of missing teeth to help his patients regain the optimum appearance and function of their smiles.

      He performs complex full mouth rehabilitations, smile makeovers, and implant-supported prostheses.

      He speaks Arabic & English.

      Dr. Ghazwan Adnan Safar Mardini practices in: