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      Dr. Mohammad Al Kowatly

      With nearly 20 years of private practice experience, Specialist Periodontist & Implantologist Dr. Mohammad Al Kowatly brings a wealth of expertise to Harmony Medical Group.

      Following his graduation from October 6 University, Egypt in 2005, Dr. Mohammed further expanded his expertise by achieving the prestigious German Board of Dental Implantology (DGZI) certification in 2010. The following year, he earned his Master’s in Periodontology with honors from Ministry of Health in Syria.

      He’s currently working on his Fellowship from Periodontics Department of the University of Kentucky in the US.

      Dr. Mohammed performs all types of intraoral surgeries including guided tissue regeneration (GTR) and guided bone regeneration (GBR), extraction of impacted teeth, apicoectomy, and sinus lifting. He is an expert in the placement and maintenance of dental implants using various implant systems, as well as the treatment of peri-implantitis.

      In addition, he performs aesthetic gum treatments such as gum depigmentation and gingivectomy.

      He speaks English and Arabic.

      Dr. Mohammad Al Kowatly practices in: