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      Dr. Mohammad Baderaddeen

      Dr. Mohammad Baderaddeen is a dynamic Specialist Orthodontist with over 15 years of experience in Syria, KSA, and the UAE.

      He holds a degree from Damascus University and was awarded Specialization in Orthodontics by the Syrian Ministry of Health in 2011.

      Dr. Mohammad offers a wide range of orthodontic treatments to patients of all ages, including braces (metal, clear, and self-ligating) clear aligners, and other orthodontic appliances. His expertise extends to correcting various orthodontic issues, such as misaligned teeth, malocclusions, and bite disorders, providing personalized treatment plans for each patient to achieve healthy, beautiful smiles.

      He speaks Arabic and English.

      Dr. Mohammad Baderaddeen practices in:

      Beautiful Smiles

      by Dr. Mohammad Baderaddeen