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      Dr. Paolo Bellini

      Dr. Paolo Bellini is a highly qualified Specialist Orthodontist with 16 years of experience in the field of dentistry.

      He earned his degree in Dentistry and Prosthetic Dentistry from Università degli Studi di Ferrara in 2007, then completed his Master’s in Orthodontics at Univeristà degli Studi di Cagliari in 2013. In addition to his orthodontic specialization, Dr. Paolo has expanded his knowledge through various courses in implantology, periodontics, and fixed prosthetics.

      Dr. Paolo offers all types of orthodontic treatment options including metal and lingual braces, and clear aligners like Invisalign. His expertise extends to performing interceptive treatments for growing children, pre-veneers and pre-implants orthodontic treatments, as well as orthopedic surgical treatments for adults.

      In his role, he collaborates closely with other clinicians to ensure comprehensive and integrated care for his patients. Dr. Paolo's dedication and commitment to his field make him a valuable asset to our team.

      He speaks Italian, English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.

      Dr. Paolo Bellini practices in: