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      Dr. Shadi Alyazji

      Dr. Shadi Alyazji is seasoned general dental practitioner with 22 years of clinical and teaching experience.

      He graduated from Bangalore University, India, in 2001 and was awarded a diploma in Implant Dentistry by the German Association of Dental Implantology (DGZI) in 2011, demonstrating his high level of knowledge and skills in implant dentistry.

      He earned his master's degree in Conservative Dentistry (MSc) from the University of Khartoum, Sudan in 2014, and received Membership of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (MFDRCSI) the following year.

      For many years, Dr. Shadi served as a faculty member and Course Director at the Restorative Department, Faculty of Dentistry at Palestine University, as well as Course Director of the Conservative Department and Aesthetic Dentistry at Al-Azhar University in Palestine.

      He specializes in complex cases in operative and aesthetic dentistry, including fixed prosthodontics, smile makeovers, full mouth rehabilitations, and implant prostheses.

      He speaks Arabic and English.

      Dr. Shadi Alyazji practices in: