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      Dr. Talal Al Nahlawi

      Dr. Talal Al Nahlawi is a distinguished Specialist Endodontist, recognized for his prolific contributions to the field, boasting 24 years of combined clinical and teaching experience. He is a recognized expert in all types of root canal therapy and retreatments using 3D microscopes.

      He graduated from Damascus University in 1999, followed by a series of notable achievements, including a Postgraduate Diploma in Endodontics in 2001, a Master's in Endodontics in 2004, and a PhD in 2009, all from the same esteemed institution.

      Since then, Dr. Talal became an assistant professor at Operative Dentistry & Endodontics Department at Syrian Private Universities. He was conferred into the title of associate professor in 2016. He is also a part-time lecturer at Damascus University, Al-Sham Private University, and the National Dental Center in Syria.

      His expertise is sought-after worldwide, having delivered lectures at prominent dental conferences in various countries, including Canada, Turkey, Egypt, India, South Africa, South Korea, Bahrain, and the UAE to name a few.

      Currently, Dr. Talal serves as board director of the Syrian Endodontic Society, Councilor of the Asian Pacific Endodontic Confederation (APEC), Endodontic Program Director of MHG Professional Development Dental Educational Institute in Dubai, Advisory Board Member of the Dental Surgeons Association of India (DSAI), and the Dental Students Welfare Association of India (DSWAI).

      He speaks English and Arabic.

      Dr. Talal Al Nahlawi practices in: