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      Dr. Yalda Amini

      Dr. Yalda Amini is a highly skilled general and cosmetic dentist who has been in practice since 2018.

      She graduated from Ajman University of Science & Technology in 2017 and earned Fellowship in Advance Aesthetic Dentistry from the University of Genoa, Italy, in 2018. A year later, she was awarded a postgraduate certificate and diploma in Clinical Implantology by the British Academy of Restorative Dentistry.

      Dr. Yalda's practice covers a wide array of dental services, with a special focus on smile makeovers and smile design, composite restorations like inlays and onlays, and teeth whitening treatments. Her dedication to restoring oral health and function shines through in her work, making her a trusted part of our team.

      She speaks English, Arabic, and Farsi.

      Dr. Yalda Amini practices in:

      Beautiful Smiles

      by Dr. Yalda Amini