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      Dr. Ziad Abdul Majid

      Dr. Ziad Abdul Majid is a highly skilled Specialist Orthodontist who has been practicing dentistry for 10 years.

      He completed a double qualification residency program in orthodontics and implantology from Beirut Arab University in Lebanon. In 2018, he obtained his Master’s in Orthodontics from the same university.

      Dr Ziad is well-trained in a variety of orthodontic treatments, including clear aligners, fixed and removable appliances therapy. With a passion for helping patients achieve their desired outcomes, he takes a personalized approach to treatment, carefully assessing each patient’s unique needs and developing customized treatment plans to achieve the best possible results.

      In addition to being a highly skilled clinician, he is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in orthodontic technology and techniques. He is an active member of Lebanese Orthodontics Society.

      He speaks English and Arabic.

      Dr. Ziad Abdul Majid practices in: