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      Harmony Medical Group Holds Iftar Party, Celebrates Accreditation in Global Healthcare

      Harmony Medical Group, which specializes in dentistry , and pioneers in the health scene in the UAE capital, Abu Dhabi, held a special Iftar party at the Four Seasons Hotel, Al Maryah Island, Abu Dhabi.

      The event was attended by Their Excellences: Sheikh Ahmed bin Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Nahyan, and Sheikh Nasser bin Mohammed Al Nuaimi, And a group of VIPs, guests, media and influencers.

      The grand event also saw Harmony Medical Group celebrate its official accreditation by JCI, Joint Commission International.

      Considering that the Harmony Medical Group is one of the leading dental institutions in UAE that works to provide the highest quality standards and the latest means of health care to its patients, as the group includes a team of specialized doctors with great experience and high skills.

      The group affirms that the high level of dental care and health safety is one of its priorities towards patients, and is a factor in its success, which made obtaining accreditation from the Joint Commission International a source of pride for it.

      JCI is the world’s leading healthcare accreditation that sets global standards for healthcare excellence. Receiving accreditation from JCI as a world-class medical group is testament to the Harmony Medical Group’s commitment to high quality.