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      Are you planning to get whitening your teeth anytime soon? If yes, then keep on reading.

      We all want a white and pearly smile without giving up on our daily dose of coffee, for this reason, we have teeth whitening. Teeth whitening can be done either at home or professionally at the dentist. Few things you need to know before getting your teeth whitened.

      Have you ever wondered how your teeth get whiter?

      Well, during the procedure, a solution called peroxide is used on your team to remove surface stains. Peroxide may be activated with a laser or with light, depending on your dentist.

      To get optimal results when getting your teeth professionally whitened, it is advised to have your routine scaling and polishing treatment right before you do the whitening procedure.

      Removing the plaque and tartar and having healthy gums, make the peroxide solution react optimally on the teeth. Hence, you get better results.

      When getting your teeth whitened, you should be aware that natural teeth will get different results than restored teeth. If you have any fillings or dental implants, the typical whitening process won’t work on them. For this reason, patients that have veneers can’t whiten their teeth.

      Are you hesitant about getting your teeth professionally whitened?

      Technically, having your teeth whitened professionally will last you longer than using home whitening kits and remedies. As for the results, it varies from one person to the other depending on their oral hygiene and diet.

      Consuming colored food and drinks such as blueberry, coffee and tea might stain your teeth and shorten the achieved whitening results. For this reason, professionals advise you to have your teeth whitened at the clinic and maintain your results by using the whitening toothpaste daily and the whitening home kit once a month.