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      Chipped or Fractured Children’s Teeth: Prevention and Treatment

      When it comes to children, dental injuries like chipped or fractured teeth are relatively common. Whether it's a result of a fall during playtime or a sports-related accident, children’s teeth are vulnerable to damage. But what should parents know about these situations, and how can they prevent further issues? Here's some guide from our pediatric dentists here at Harmony.

      Common Causes of Chipped or Fractured Baby Teeth

      1. Accidents and falls: Children are naturally curious and active, often exploring their surroundings and engaging in various activities. This can increase the risk of accidents and falls, which can result in dental injuries.
        • Playground accidents: Children playing on swings, slides, or climbing structures can sustain injuries that lead to chipped or fractured teeth.
        • Collisions: During sports or other activities, children may collide with each other or objects, causing dental trauma.
      2. Biting on hard objects: Children are often drawn to hard objects, which can lead to dental injuries.
        • Toys: Chewing on hard toys, such as plastic figures or blocks, can put stress on teeth.
        • Ice: Biting on ice can cause significant damage to tooth enamel (the hard outer layer of the teeth).
        • Hard foods: Eating hard foods like nuts, candy, and popcorn kernels can increase the risk of dental fractures.
      3. Poor oral health: Neglecting proper oral hygiene can weaken teeth and make them more susceptible to damage.
        • Cavities: Untreated cavities can weaken the structure of a tooth, making it more prone to fractures.
        • Gum disease: Gingivitis and periodontitis can lead to bone loss around the teeth, making them more susceptible to injury.
      4. Sports injuries: Lack of protective gear, such as mouthguards during sports, can lead to dental trauma.

      Prevention Tips

      1. Supervise your child’s active play.

        While kids are naturally playful, ensuring that their play area and areas in your home are safe and well-padded can reduce the likelihood of dental injuries.

      2. Get your child a mouthguard.

        For children involved in contact sports or activities, a properly fitted mouthguard from the dentist can help protect their teeth from trauma.

      3. Avoid hard foods.

        Avoid giving your little ones candies, hard nuts, or popcorn kernels to minimize the risk of chipping teeth.

      4. Regular dental checkups.

        Regular visits to the pediatric dentist will ensure any early signs of decay or weakness in teeth are caught early, reducing the risk of fractures.

      How to Know if You’re a Candidate

      If your child chips or fractures a tooth, it's essential to consult a pediatric dentist. Treatment will depend on the extent of the damage:

      1. For minor chips, smoothing or bonding the tooth might be enough. Your child’s dentist may polish or use a tooth-colored filling material to repair the damage.
      2. If the fracture is more severe and affects the tooth's pulp (the innermost part), a pulpotomy (root canal therapy) or even an extraction may be necessary.
      3. For severely damaged teeth, especially molars, pediatric dentists often use stainless steel crowns or zirconia crowns to restore both function and appearance.
      4. In cases where the baby tooth cannot be saved, it may need to be extracted. The space left by the tooth may require a space maintainer to ensure proper alignment of permanent teeth.

      Chipped or fractured teeth can be distressing, but with proper care and timely treatment, most cases are easily managed. Preventive steps such as using mouthguards and avoiding hard foods can greatly reduce your child’s risk of injury. If an accident does occur, always seek advice from a pediatric dentist to ensure the best care for your child's smile.

      Regular checkups and professional guidance from our team of Specialist Pediatric Dentists at Harmony can help keep your child’s teeth healthy and protected. Remember, baby teeth play an important role in the development of permanent teeth, so their health should never be overlooked.

      For more tips or to schedule a visit, feel free to reach out. Call us at 04 395 5113 (Dubai) or 800 333 444 (Abu Dhabi) today.