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      5 Practical Ways to Prevent Bad Breath

      These days, in the age of broad social media and stringent aesthetic standards, there is a significant pressure to be socially accepted. Many individuals may find themselves struggling due to halitosis, a condition defined as an unpleasant odor emanating from the mouth, or simply, bad breath.

      Simple classification which assists the diagnosis of the halitosis:

      What are the common causes of bad breath?

      Halitosis is a multifactorial condition. However, a common cause is the food we eat like garlic or onions. These types of food may affect the odor of the air we exhale and cannot be covered up completely until the foods pass from our bodies.

      The source of intra-oral halitosis in most patients (>80%) is from the activity of microorganisms in the mouth which dramatically increases the condition of chronic gingival inflammation and caries lesions.

      Ill-fitting and poorly maintained dental appliances and dental prostheses can also cause halitosis. Additionally, conditions such as dry mouth can contribute to bad breath due to a reduced flow of saliva.

      Certain medications, such as antihistamines, metronidazole, and bisphosphonates, can contribute to the development of unpleasant mouth odor.

      Which methods are used to diagnose halitosis?

      There are many objective ways to assist in the diagnosis of bad breath, including gas chromatography, ammonia monitoring, and the cysteine challenge test. A practical self-assessment method involves wetting your wrist with saliva, letting it dry for 10 seconds, and then smelling it.

      Here are 5 simple ways to help prevent bad breath at home.

      If these home care tips do not eliminate bad breath, please consult a dentist. Persistent bad breath could indicate underlying dental issues such as gum disease, cavities, or infections that require professional attention.

      Early detection and treatment can help prevent more serious oral health issues and ensure fresh breath and overall oral wellness.


      Dr. Mhammad Saleh is a Specialist Prosthodontist who is an expert in oral rehabilitations, All-on-4, fixed prosthodontics, implant-supported restorations, smile makeovers, and TMJ treatments. He speaks Arabic, English, and Turkish.